Heiress Jacinta, the hilarious Ghanaian female comedienne, is set to take center stage once again with her uproarious stand-up comedy special, “Woman On Top” with Jacinta. Mark your calendars for the laughter-filled evening at the National Theater on October 7th, 2023, starting at 7 PM.
Jacinta, known for her sharp wit and relatable humor, promises an unforgettable night of comedy. She’s not alone on this comedy journey, as the evening will also feature some of Ghana’s finest comedians, including Foster Romanus, Jeneral Ntatia, Khemikal, Putogo, and the renowned Nigerian comic, Klint Da Drunk.
With ticket options to suit everyone, you can choose from:
- Standard: 150 Ghanaian Cedis
- VIP: 250 Ghanaian Cedis
- Premium: 350 Ghanaian Cedis
This isn’t Jacinta’s first rodeo in the comedy world; she had her debut comedy special last year titled “One Night Stand,” which left audiences in stitches.
So, whether you’re a comedy enthusiast or just looking for a night of hearty laughter, “Woman On Top” with Jacinta is the event to be at. Grab your tickets, bring your friends, and get ready for a night of side-splitting humor that you won’t want to miss!
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