C.E.O of Makeup Ghana Rebecca Donkor to be unveiled on the front cover of Eventguide Magazine latest edition

Ghana’s no.1 events and entertainment hub Eventguide Magazine is set to unveil its latest edition. To be celebrated as the front cover personality is the founder and C.E.O of Makeup Ghana and Ghana Makeup Awards Mrs Rebecca Donkor . 

 Slated June 26,2021, venue would be the plush Labadi Beach Hotel ,Accra .

On that day, there will also be more surprise performance by some of Ghana’s finest musicians and entertainers, who will be passing through on the night such as Iona Reign,Tattuu and more . As well as free give aways of latest editions of EVENTGUIDE magazines with some special activities 

Grab first copies of EVENTGUIDE magazines at the Event ground or any of our major outlets across the country.