Renowned Ghanaian filmmaker, Socrate Safo, is poised to captivate audiences worldwide with his groundbreaking animation film, “Tun-tum, The Revelation.” Following a successful private screening at Silverbird Cinemas in Ghana on February 16, 2024, Safo’s latest cinematic masterpiece is set to make its mark on the global stage.
Scheduled as part of the lineup of events organized by the Beyond the Return Secretariat to commemorate Black History Month, the film’s premiere promises to be an unforgettable experience. On Wednesday, February 21, 2024, audiences at Howard University’s Blackburn Center in Washington, DC, will have the opportunity to witness the awe-inspiring narrative firsthand.
“Tun-tum” is a collaborative effort between Safo and fellow Ghanaian filmmaker, Michael Tettey Narh, who brings his unique blend of talent and expertise to the project. Through his company, Dreams Animation Studios, Narh has dedicated three decades to exploring and offering creative solutions through various art forms, including animation.
At the core of “Tun-tum” lies a poignant exploration of the African identity and heritage. Departing from conventional narratives, the film offers a fresh perspective on the origins of the African race. Through stunning animation and thought-provoking storytelling, “Tun-tum” challenges viewers to reconsider the essence of African heritage and pride.
“‘Tun-tum,’ which translates to ‘dark’ in the Twi language, delves deep into the selective moulding of Africans by the divine hands of God,” explains Safo. “Using elemental forces, the film portrays the creation of the African race in a way that is both captivating and thought-provoking.”
As anticipation builds for the film’s release, audiences can expect to embark on a transformative journey that celebrates the richness and complexity of African culture. With “Tun-tum, The Revelation,” Socrate Safo and Michael Tettey Narh are poised to make a profound impact on the global animation landscape, solidifying their legacy as visionary storytellers.
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